Whirlpools and massage tubs…relax and inspirit
Whirlpools and massage tubs for several people with filling capacity from 500 – 2000 litres of warm water have to be equipped with a filter system, just like swimming pools, so that the water always stays hygienic and comfortably warm.

We call small whirlpools whirl tubs, that are filled before and emptied after every bath. They are clearly bigger than normal bathtubs.

They are particularly deeper, so that there is enough water to enjoy the sparkling water effect.

Experience a totally new whirlpool generation. An ergonomic pleasure whilst lying down or sitting up, as well as an up to now never reached intensive massage.

If you wish to have more information about prices of whirlpools and whirl tubs, contact us or give us a visit.


S.B.B. AMMER Canarias S.L. • C/. Tasaigo 9 • 38626 La Camella • Tenerife Arona